By Nidhi Bhardwaj: On 6 December, Bloom Technology announced the launch of the first serverless online game, Kingdom under fire: War of Heroes (Gold Edition), which has attracted eyeballs on Twitter. KUF was developed using Locus Chain's Game Chain technology and released on Steam, a platform for playing, discussing, and creating games.
On commissioning, Torrent joined the 10th Destroyer Flotilla of the Harwich Force.[5] On the night of 4/5 June 1917 the Dover Patrol carried out a bombardment of the German-held port of Ostend using the monitors Erebus and Terror, with the Harwich force sailing to cover the operation. Torrent was one of a group of four light cruisers and nine destroyers patrolling off the Thornton Bank. At about 02:30 hr the group encountered two German torpedo boats S15 and S20. The two torpedo boats retreated under heavy fire towards Zeebrugge, and Torrent, along with Satyr, Sharpshooter and Taurus were ordered to pursue. S20 was immobilised by a hit in the boiler room and was sunk, while S15, although heavily damaged, was able to escape, with the British destroyers turning back to avoid fire from shore batteries. The shore bombardment sank the German submarine UC-70[b] and damaged UC-16 and the torpedo boats G41 and S55.[7][8]
Kingdom Under Fire GOLD Edition Torrent